In his video-room-installation
“RIVERINE ZONES CONNECTED” Geist shows video recordings
of rivers from different international locations. With underwater-video-cameras,
he records the world under water. It is an attempt to get in touch
with our immediate, but distant reality, an artistic discussion with
the element water. Geist points out a part of our reality that is
usually hidden from us.
Philipp Geist (VIDEOGEIST) was born on February 28, 1976, in Witten,
Germany. He grew up in Weilheim (Upper Bavaria). Since 1999, he has
been living and working in Weilheim and Berlin.
Philipp Geist works internationally as a multi-media artist in the
mediums of video, performance, photography and painting. Together
with the symphony orchestra OBC Barcelona and the Finnish sound ensemble
Pan Sonic, Geist opened in 2004 the Sonar Festival in Barcelona. His
works were shown at the Dissonanze Festival in Rome, at Clubtransmediale
in Berlin and at the Mutek Festival in Montreal which is renowned
for new media. He has exhibited his live video performances internationally
at the Central House of Artists (CHA) in Moscow, the Institute of
Contemporary Art (ICA) in London, the National Gallery in Warsaw (Zacheta)
and at the opening of the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich. In 2005,
he realized the large project “Winterzauber” (“Winter
Magic”) for the Lake Side Restaurant in Zurich and in 2006,
he opened the Salon Noir within the context of the exhibition “Melancholie,
Genie und Wahnsinn” (“Melancholy, Genius and Insanity”)
in the Berlin Neuen National Galerie.